Photos — Workshops

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EarthKeepers Day Campers learn to sort and identify aquatic macro-invertebrated; Aug 10, 2016
EarthKeepers Day Campers learn to sort and identify aquatic macro-invertebrated; Aug 10, 2016


EarthKeepers Day Campers learn to sort and identify aquatic macro-invertebrates; Aug 10, 2016 by Tori Dillon
EarthKeepers Day Campers learn to sort and identify aquatic macro-invertebrates; Aug 10, 2016 by Tori Dillon

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SEALASKA students help with the maintenance of the sedimentation tanks at the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond during day camp; photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17; July 27, 2016
SEALASKA students help with the maintenance of the sedimentation tanks at the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond during day camp; photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17; July 27, 2016
SEALASKA students help with the maintenance of the sedimentation tanks at the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond during day camp; photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17; July 27, 2016
SEALASKA students help with the maintenance of the sedimentation tanks at the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond during day camp; photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17; July 27, 2016
Priya P. helps with the maintenance of a section of the 200' intake pipe that brings water to the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond; photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17; July 27, 2016
Priya P. helps with the maintenance of a section of the 200′ intake pipe that brings water to the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond; photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17; July 27, 2016
Bill Hagen modifies the intake pipe; 2009
All of the water that flows through the Imprint Pond System enters through this essential, screened Intake Pipe. Bill Hagen modifies the pipe during its original installation in the Fall of 2009.

intake-system-installation_crew_2009_II intake-system-installation_crew_2009 intake-system-installation_2009_with_sedimentation-tanks Intake System Installation, 2009 EarthCorps crew

Bill M; Salmon in Schools; Imprint Pond Amphitheater
Bill M; Salmon in Schools; Imprint Pond Amphitheater

2015-11-30 11.11.54 cropped-Islandwood_students_Amphitheater_5-17-16.jpg Islandwood_students_Amphitheater_5-17-16 Sound-Steps_from-above_3-4-15 Sound-Steps_3-4-15 reforesting

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