Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project
—Education in Action Since 1979

EarthKeepers Day Campers learn to sort and identify aquatic macro-invertebrates; Aug 10, 2016 by Tori Dillon
EarthKeepers Day Campers learn to sort and identify aquatic macro-invertebrates; Aug 10, 2016 by Tori Dillon

EarthKeepers Day Campers Learn to Collect and Identify Aquatic Invertebrates

Day campers gathered at the Imprint Pond with CWCAP volunteers to sample Venema and Mohlendorph Creeks for aquatic macro-invertebrates.  By learning methods to sample, sort, and identify these larval insect forms, worms, and other organisms, day campers gained an understanding of how and why controlled studies like these help monitor water quality.

Photos —EarthKeepers Day Campers aquatic macro-invertebrate slideshow

SEALASKA day campers help maintain the lengthy intake pipe along Venema Creek; Jul 27, 2016 photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17
SEALASKA day campers help maintain the lengthy intake pipe along Venema Creek; Jul 27, 2016 photo by Ramonte Stanmore, 17

SEALASKA Middle and High School Day Campers Help With Imprint System Maintenance

SEALASKA in partnership with the University of Washington brought together 14 middle and high school summer day campers for activities at Carkeek Park. 

They took time on July 27 to help CWCAP volunteers with important maintenance on the Imprint Pond System.  This great bunch of kids learned about the history of salmon in Carkeek Park and the specific activities that make it possible for salmon to return to the Piper’s Creek Watershed every year. Then they got to work maintaining sedimentation tanks, measuring system water flow rates, and removing debris from around some 200 feet of intake pipe.

The day campers helped submerge a video camera and record fascinating footage of a day in the life of resident coastal cutthroat trout after spotting juvenile trout in a pool in Mohlendorph Creek.

Photos SEALASKA Day Campers learn and work slideshow

Resident coastal cutthroat trout are found year-round Mohlendorph, Venema, and Piper’s Creeks; photo of Adan Martinez, UW Fishery graduate working with CWCAP during the annual salmon spawning survey on Nov. 15, 2014

Resident cutthroat trout are in Carkeek Park year-round

Thousands of salmon fry are released every Spring by CWCAP volunteers and hundreds of adults return in the Fall to spawn. But did you know that there are year-round resident coastal cutthroat (Oncorhynchus clarkii sp.) in the creeks too?

Adult cutthroat trout spawn in the Spring and there are juveniles throughout the system in Mohlendorph, Venema, and Pipers Creeks, and the lower wetlands.

Photos — resident (year-round) coastal cutthrout trout

KIRO 7’s Cox Conserves HeroesThank you for taking part in the 2016 Cox Conserves Heroes program!

The voting portion of the campaign is now closed.  KIRO 7 will announce the Finalist who received the most online support in a hosted event in September 2016.

KIRO 7, in partnership with The Trust for Public Land (TPL), selected Bill Hagen, CWCAP Salmon Programs Director, as one of three finalists for the 2016 annual KIRO7/Trust for Public Land/Cox Conserves Hero award for his many years of contributions to salmon restoration, education, and outreach at Carkeek Park.

KIRO 7, Cox Enterprises, and The Trust for Public Land are all extremely proud to honor the unsung heroes in our communities and support the organizations that matter to them. We look forward to seeing you all very soon to pay tribute to these tremendous accomplishments!

The $10,000 and two $5,000 prizes will be donated in the names of the winners to 501 (c)(3) environmental non-profits of their choice.

Intake System Installation, 2009 EarthCorps crew
Water Intake System project design by Natural Systems Design, construction work by EarthCorps, plumbing engineering by Bill Hagen; Fall 2009. To date, the Intake System is performing perfectly to keep clear, oxygenated Venema Creek water flowing into the downstream Imprint Pond where every year 70-100,000 Chum salmon are imprinted, fed, and released.

CWCAP to receive donation from KIRO 7 and The Trust for Public Land

Bill Hagen, finalist in the upcoming Cox Conserves Heroes Award program, has chosen Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project as the recipient for his award.

CWCAP formed as a community education and action organization in 1979 in order to bring watershed awareness to water quality issues with a plan for salmon restoration to the community surrounding Carkeek Park and the Puget Sound region. Since forming a 501(c)(3) non-profit community action project in February of 1984, CWCAP volunteers have helped achieve many remarkable milestones through watershed education and community action.

The Cox Conserves Heroes program was created through a partnership between The Trust for Public Land and Cox Enterprises, the parent company of KIRO 7. Through the overall Cox Conserves Heroes program, more than $650,000 has been donated to environmental nonprofits and more than 150 volunteers have been honored. The program also takes place in Arizona, California, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts and Virginia.

The award event will occur in September, date to be announced.

Large, enthusiastic crowd gathered on April 23, 2016.
Gathering of Salmon in the Schools students, park visitors, and volunteers for the April 23, 2016 release of 35,000 Chum salmon fry into Venema Creek.

Spring Salmon Releases at Carkeek Park

The salmon recently released into Venema Creek are on their way to big things.  Thanks to the generous support of the Suquamish Tribe, CWCAP volunteers released a total of about 98,000 Chum salmon fry this Spring into Venema Creek and by now they are on their way to the Pacific Ocean.

Before the adult Chum salmon return this Fall from their far-off journey that began 3 to 5 years ago, there is much to do. Please check back soon to see how you can get involved in Carkeek Park.  Have a look at our Volunteer page and let us know how we can help you put your time and imagination to work for your community.

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