Nancy R. Malmgren, CWCAP Founder, 1929-2016

Nancy Malmgren, Founder and Director of CWCAP, 1929-2016; wreath placed by Pauline at Carkeek Park, November 11, 2016

Please join us for Nancy’s Memorial:
Nancy Malmgren Environmental Learning Center
Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 1:00 PM.

It is with awe, reflection, and sadness that we join the community in marking the passing of Nancy Malmgren.

During her time with the Girl Scouts at Carkeek Park (circa 1965), a visionary plan developed to rehabilitate, clean up and bring back the salmon.  Nancy created the Carkeek Park Advisory Council (CPAC) and the Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project (CWCAP) and gathered support and funds to make the vision real.   Collaborating with many and working relentlessly, she was able to see water pollution reduced, the creek system restored, and the salmon returned.  Earth Day at Carkeek Park was her special holiday.

Nancy brought four decades of positive and successful changes to the Piper’s Creek Watershed and Carkeek Park through education, action, and demonstration.  It will take much time and more than a few individuals to bring it all to the fore.

I wish I could have been able to attend today’s celebration of Nancy Malmgren’s life.  Nancy and I collaborated often on issues relating to salmon recovery and habitat restoration and preservation in Carkeek and throughout the Salish Sea.  As many there already know…our phone conversations were lengthy (but always worthwhile!) ???. What struck me most about Nancy was her commitment, perseverance, stamina and sense of humor.  She had a great way of reaching across generations and cultures.  Let’s honor her by continuing her work.  The Suquamish Tribe will be there.  With sympathy,

—Leonard Forsman, Chairman, Suquamish Tribe

Over the years Nancy became passionate regarding the fish that she loved, the Chum salmon, in Carkeek Park, in Northern Seattle, Washington. She negotiated trails, bridges, weirs, hillside slide prevention, huge rocks and trees to divert the erosion of the banks of the creek, imprint & intake pond, educational centers, salmon slides, walk ways over the wet lands, Earth Day, safety issues regarding the railroad tracks — just to name a few. She envisioned this web site also!

—Dale Calkin, CWCAP President, Since 1979

This passing is epic… blessed are we all for her years of devoted and loyal service to Piper’s Creek Watershed and Carkeek Park!

—Belinda Chin, Past CPAC Liaison, Seattle Parks and Recreation

Very proud to be in the creek in memory of Nancy.  She has been a great inspiration to me and I’m sure thousands of others.  She took my love of being a naturalist and studying ecology and sort of said you just have to go for it.  At the time I didn’t know what IT was, but now I do thanks to her.  She just had that fire; I will miss that about her.  It just goes to show what one person can do to inspire others and keep the fire stoked.

—Matthew Kuhar, CWCAP Member, Salmon Programs
Land Ethics, Naturalist Landscaping Services

Senate Resolution 8674 Honoring Nancy Malmgren
Read more about Nancy’s life…

1 thought on “Nancy R. Malmgren, CWCAP Founder, 1929-2016”

  1. Nancy was a dear person. I am so happy to have connected with my Father’s first cousin after so many years. I remember her visit back east along with her Cousin Betsey back in 1987. I know how much my Father enjoyed their visit. Nancy will be missed but not forgotten.

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