Here’s what’s happening right now:
January 9, 2019 (1st batch)
CWCAP picked up 30,000 eyed (fertilized) Chum salmon eggs at the Suquamish Tribe’s Grovers Creek Salmon Hatchery. This 1st batch marks the official launch of the 2019 Imprinting Season.
Eggs have hatched in the Egg Incubation/Self-release tank and are now in the alevin stage of their development as they feed from their attached egg/yolk sacs. By about mid-March the fish will have become free-swimming and will self-release themselves directly into Venema Creek by way of an outflow pipe. Grovers Creek Salmon Hatchery also provided about 220 Chum salmon eggs each to about 2 dozen local public and private schools participating in the Salmon in the Schools — Seattle program. Their fish are similarly developing and schools will begin delivering them to Carkeek Park on March 29 to be fed and imprinted by CWCAP‘s 21 Imprint Stewards.
February 15, 2019 (2nd batch)
Grover’s Creek Salmon Hatchery staff delivered 30,000 free-swimming Chum salmon fry to the Imprint Pond. The Suquamish have provided salmon to CWCAP for release into the Piper’s Creek system since 2004.
This continues the annual Imprinting Season as 21 CWCAP volunteers provide public and educational access 3 times per day, 7 days per week to these maturing salmon. We keep salmon in several batches through mid-May and have several release events as well.
Please feel welcome to visit, feed the salmon, and share a good fish story. Salmon Imprint Stewards will be there to positively add to your experience. Look for the Help Feed Salmon, Now Open! sign in the park that indicates that our Imprint Stewards are there feeding the salmon.